Audrey Christle: How Pinterest Can Help Your Workplace

Audrey Christle, a top business executive at LexisNexis, is also an avid user of social media. Currently, Audrey Christle maintains profiles on LinkedIn, Facebook, Goodreads, and Pinterest. For Audrey Christle, social media is representative of a healthy mix of both her professional and day-to-day life. It has already been proven many times that LinkedIn and Facebook can be useful tools for networking in and out of the workplace. But Audrey Christle is discovering now how alternate social media networks are equally as useful for helping your business.

Audrey Christle

Audrey Christle

Pinterest is an image heavy type of social media—in fact, the entire point of Pinterest is to use it as an online pin board for sharing images. For Audrey Christle, this means sharing funny or inspirational quips, interesting recipes, and aesthetically appealing images. Today, Audrey Christle tells us how Pinterest can be used to help your business.

As it turns out, Internet users tend to spend more time per visit on Pinterest than they do on Twitter and LinkedIn combined. This simple fact, according to Audrey Christle, means that there is plenty of opportunity to use Pinterest as a means of promoting your business.

Audrey Christle knows that Pinterest users are interested in images that are aesthetically pleasing or interesting, funny, or useful—such as recipes or DIY crafts. Audrey Christle also believes that Pinterest can be used to showcase products, but only if done cleverly: Pinterest users will be interested in “repinning” (essentially reposting) an image if they find it fits their criteria.

When an image gets reposted by somebody, then, according to Audrey Christle, all of the people who have subscribed to that person will be able to see the image, and if they repin it, then all of their followers will see it as well. This means of spreading the word is fresh and innovative, so Audrey Christle recommends trying it out!

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